The Strongest Link Site!



Primetime Summaries! 

Musicians Special 1/5/02

Welcome To The Weakest Link

DLT 56

Lesley 46

DJSpoony 30
Suzi 51

Shola 22

Paul 34

Carol 44

Mark 34

Billy 44

Round 1

Banked: 3,250 pounds

Voted: Shola

Insults: Lesley what do you do for a living? Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh (audience clap!) So you scream for a living do you? Only if Im paid, Why Shola? Because shes younger than you? (wooooo) yes and you Anne!

Dlt is that suit a bit of a handy cap? Spoony why are you wearing a necklace? Its jewelry, really oh it looks like a bicycle chain! They dont make bikes like they used to when you were young Anne

Round 2

Banked: 1,200 pounds

Voted: DJSpoony

Insults: And you really have gone down the drain! Suzi isnt it about time you retired? No im only on my second wing anne! How many face lifts have you had Suzi? None, if I had a face lift I would be perfect but im not,

DJSpoony its back home to mum or back to the cutlery draw you are the weakest link goodbye!

Round 3

Banked: 1,600 pounds

Voted: Paul

Insults: Who is a melody short of a musical? Paul its very disappointing you didnt know the difference between a long note and a short note, ugh, dont interrupt me goodbye!

Round 4

Banked 350 pounds

Voted: Mark

Insults: Whos about to go solo? Carol whats the real colour of your hair? Red honest its red, I can take my pants down and prove it to you,(audience erupt into laughter) thats the trouble with girls from Highten, Suzi were do u live Barking? No not yet! Mark nice but dim!

Round 5

Banked: 750pounds

Voted: Carol

Insults: Who is sadly making a song and dance about nothing? Dlt go on brag about your house, ilive in a prefab! Laugh , and before you ask it costs 14 grand! Carol theres no 80s revival here YATWLGOODBYE!

Round 6

Banked: 1,750 pounds

Voted: DLT

Insults: Whos an old hairy cornfalke in a monkey suit? (refering to dlts suit!) Whos a silly billy? DLT you can go and make a date with your tailor, youve been taken off the playlist YATWLGOODBYE!

Round 7

Banked: 500 pounds

Voted: Lesley

Insults: Very disappointing round team only 500 pounds banked, Billy why have you voted for Lesley? She got the most wrong, no she didnt, do u like Lesley? Yes, thats not what you said back stage, no I said if that b**** votes me off! Lol Lesley theres no curtain call here you are the weakest link goodbye!

Round 8

Banked: 800 pounds

Head to Head Round

Total: 11,800 pounds

Billy Y Y X Y

Suzi X X X

Billy left with 11,800 pounds for the Medical Victims of Torture

Suzi you leave with nothing!



Comedians Special

Welcome To The Weakest Link

Tom Center 4 Children

Monique Crystal Stairs


Robert National Breast cancer coalition

Harland WWF

Beth Doctors with out Borders

Lisa Hands healing hearts

Carrot Top Human Society

Round 1

Total: $6000

Weakest: Harland

Strongest: Lisa

Voted: Harland

Number Of Votes: 5

Speech: Im not humiliated or embarrassed I think im just stupid!

Insults: Which stand up should now sit down! Were all putting in your name Anne! You are the weakest link goodbye! Bye bye!! Audience erupts into laughter!

Why are you called carrot top? I havent figured that one out yet! Is that real red hair or assisted red hair? Its the carpets the match the drapes! Anne bursts in to laughter!



Round 2

Total: $13500

Weakest: George

Strongest: Beth

Voted: George

Number Of Votes: 3

Speech: Tom is jealous because I guess Roseanne told him, you know u know what I mean!

Insults: whos turning this into amateur night! George and carrot top raise their hands!

What do u do Lisa? Im an actress and a mother of four! Smiles!Carrot top: mother off two look at that rack!!

Tom: I have a history with the larger ladies ! Monique walks over and holds his hand!!

Round 3

Total: $2000

Weakest: Carrot top

Strong: Beth

Voted: Carrot Top

Number: 5

Speech: Just because I have hair, you know Tom Arnold are you kidding me that thing, he must have a train strap round his head!

Insults: whos run out of materiel everyone points at Tom! No way!

Tom why carrot top? Its just that he sucks so bad!

Monique are you jealous of the way carrot top dresses? Wooooowwww from audience!


Round 4

Total: $1400

Weakest: Monque

Strongest: Tom

Voted: Monque

Number: 3

Speech: Lisa Anne should be sitting here right now, she went against the sister hood! Im what the strongest link!

Round 5

Total: $1000

Weakest: Tom

Strongest: Lisa Anne

Voted: 2 votes to Tom 2 to Lisa, Lisa voted for Tom

Number: 1

Speech: if there is a god Robert will win but I dont think so!

Insults: there is not long to go team heave the hack send off the clown eject the idiot!

Tom your women problems follow you every where!!

Round 6

Total: $5000

Weakest: Beth

Strongest: Lisa

Voted: Robert

Number: 2

Speech: They ganged up on me big time! But I should have expected it!

Insults: Have the common sense to vote off the weakest link! Lisa Why Robert? He doesnt have an ovarys


Round 7

Total: $6000

Weakest: Lisa

Strongest: Beth


Beth chooses to go 2nd

Lisa Y Y Y Y

Beth Y X X

That means Lisa you are today strongest link and you take away 62500

Beth you leave with nothing

Join us next time for the weakest link


Lisa: The sister hood was really working there and I never had a doubt that beth would honuor the sister hood!

Beth: yay team ovary thats what I say!

One Added Every Thursday!

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